2020 End Of Year Review

As we come to the end of a historic year, we’re grateful for your continued support! By the permission of Allah and with your help, Islamic Network, despite the pandemic, has been able to impact the lives of 25,000+ people in the UK and around the globe.

The Prophet ﷺ said, “A man is upon the religion of his friend, so let one of you look at whom he befriends.”

The Transformational Journey Continues

With every precaution taken, we’ve persevered with our in-person youth engagement activities for young men and women.
For 12 weeks straight, we provided young people like Hadid with a (COVID-safe) space to belong. Already he has made transformational strides in his own journey to become a leader in his community.

Helping Our Imams and Leaders

In response to the local and national lockdowns, we empowered 250+ Imams and Mosque Leaders like Imam Abdi Nasir Said from Edmonton on how to keep connected with the young people in his community.
On top of that, we delivered 24+ hours of inspiring live shows and workshops with guests like Abdur Rahman Munawar, a member of our youth advisory group who also acts as a trustee, specifically regarding youth affairs at the Sri Lankan Muslim Cultural Centre of Harrow. (SLMCC)

Online Live Shows and Workshops

In recognition of the value we provide to Mosques and local communities, we were invited by the Muslim Council Of Britain (MCB ) and MEND to deliver keynote addresses and workshops at their conferences.
There we met Farhan Killedar from the Muslim Cultural Welfare Association of Sutton (MCWAS). We were able to facilitate the launch of their new Mosque website in less than three days. He’s now working with us to get youth engagement activities off the ground for his community.

Back To Basics

This year, with our ability to deliver events/activities severely restricted, our mission has been to simplify what effective youth engagement is at the grassroots level for Mosques and community organisations. All of our activities this year have been geared towards developing our bespoke four-stage model of effective youth engagement. Throughout 2021 we will be working with Mosques and community organisations to bring this model to life.

Looking Ahead

Looking ahead to 2021, our mission is to continue to research and deliver effective online and in-person youth engagement strategies.
Our vision is to see every Mosque transformed into the hub of the community, led by a generation of active young Muslims.

The Prophet ﷺ said, “He who guides (others) to an act of goodness, will have a reward similar to that of its doer.”
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